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We are OCDC and we are establishing a Farm to School program. Come learn about F2S and how it works on a weekly basis in our Head Start centers all over Oregon. Find curriculum ideas, read about Organic Gardening successes and failures, get tips, make suggestions, and follow us as we grow.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Cover crops and garlic!

Well we've gotten in the last bit of planting one can do this time of year here in the Northwest. At Silverton this kids, teachers and I tore up last year's plants and broadcasted cover crops (winter peas). The kids had a great time tearing up plants and carrying them to the compost in the pint-sized wheelbarrows. They even found some remaining onions and carrots.
Highlight (and lesson) of the day- At one point we had about four or five kids standing in the bed shoveling dirt out of the bed onto the surrounding ground. Note to self- Having a raised bed does not necessarily delineate where to stand in the eyes' of kids. Make sure the kids know too stand OUTSIDE the bed, and keep the dirt INSIDE. It was almost too funny to put an end to, but standing in the beds compacts the soil, which is no good for our gardens.
The last couple of weeks I have been at Silverton, Jose Pedro, Linden & Cornelius planting garlic with the classes, which is about the only thing you can plant this time of year. Most of the kids didn't even know what garlic was. When I asked what it was I heard over and over- "a pumpkin!" (the kids just finished learning about pumpkins), or "una cebolla!"- nonetheless, they were so excited to plant, water, and to have their hands in the dirt. and I was really impressed how many of the kids knew what plants need to grow. These are smart little ones! I think this will be a fun year...