About Me

We are OCDC and we are establishing a Farm to School program. Come learn about F2S and how it works on a weekly basis in our Head Start centers all over Oregon. Find curriculum ideas, read about Organic Gardening successes and failures, get tips, make suggestions, and follow us as we grow.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Spring is approaching WHOO-PEA!

Silverton had more work done this weekend. Mark, Farmer Bob, Julian and Dennis worked hard removing sod from a 200 square foot plot. Of course we only used man power...not gasoline tools. Sure it takes longer, but there is a different intentionality about using what you are made of...plants do it so we can too right? I think the plants respond well to that kind of care.
We discovered something very interesting on our corn plot. As we were breaking sod, we noticed that one half of the plot was dark red clay, similar soil to those farms and wineries in the Northern Valleys and foothills. The other half of the garden was a darker, siltier soil. It was difficult to photograph the difference because we had low light levels, but I have included a picture. As opposed to moving the garden plot to ensure an even growth rate; we are leaving the plot as is and creating a learning experience out of it. We will make some predictions and hypotheses about how the plots will grow and take notes/observations on each half of the garden. Hopefully we will be able to see the difference in the growth, color, size, and weight of the corn as it matures. What a learning experience for the kids.
We are looking to change up our blog set up too. We might move locations to a new blog server to provide more access and information for the centers. We are also planning on incorporating the children in the blogging experience by writing letters, drawing pictures, recording their observations etc. As we learn, plant and grow the children will record how they are processing this information. The kids will become their own resource as we connect center to center, garden activity to garden activity, and results and observations together on one web page. We will be placing our planting calendar on the blog as well as all the activities and lessons we are working on. You can come here to find curriculum ideas, monthly planting guides, and check out what is going on at our centers.
Spring planting is just a few weeks away. WHOOPEA for peas! The kids will be planting some peas at the end of Feb. Come back for more info soon.

Guide to pics--Hard workers digging and breaking backs. Bad bug in hand...do you know which kind? The soil on the right of the screen near the pink flag is red clay. The soil to the right is darker/richer silt clay.